
What is Agro chemicals and their effects class 12? Learn more.

Agro chemicals

What is agro chemicals and their effects class 12? Agro chemicals are any chemical manufactured for agricultural use, such as herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. There are thousands of different agro chemicals that can be applied in varying quantities to achieve a variety of effects. These chemicals are sent into the environment via air or water and can be harmful to the living things in contact with them. Environmental pollutants that affect human health are usually listed as agro-chemicals. Some examples would include methanol, benzene, and formaldehyde

What are positive agro chemicals effects class 12

1. Fertilizers

Fertilizers are another agro chemicals that help plants grow. Fertilizer manufacturers add nutrients to the soil at the time of planting, in addition to naturally occurring minerals. In other cases, fertilizer is used to attempt increase plant growth, crop yield and quality. Some of the most common fertilizers include ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate and muriate of potash. The most common form of nitrogen in fertilizer is an organic form called urea.

2. Herbicides

Herbicides are most commonly used for weed control, although they can be used to kill pests. Usual products used for weed control are known as broad-spectrum herbicides and include glyphosate, glufosinate, 2,4-D and aminopyralid. Broad spectrum herbicides kill all plants in contact. They kill the weeds at the root and they break down relatively quickly. Herbicides containing paraquat and diquat have been banned in Europe because of liver damage and death after exposure.

3. Effects of pesticides on humans

Plants and animals have been exposed to pesticides for hundreds of years. Pesticides are chemicals used to kill or repel insects. Certain pesticides can be harmful to humans, especially when they come into direct contact with the skin, such as parathion and chlordane. Some pesticides attack the nervous system, leading to paralysis or death. Humans also ingest small amounts of pesticides every day through unwashed fruits and vegetables. Over time, these ingested pesticides can affect the brain or put people at risk for cancer. Another component of agro chemicals that could be in your food is lead content present in some fertilizers used on crops.

What are negative agro chemicals effects class 12

1. Agro chemicals may alter soil PH

This increases the likelihood that other chemicals will be assimilated into the soil. Agrochemicals may also alter soil nutrient content, which can lead to reduced plant growth. Acidic soils can prevent phosphates and nitrates being taken up by plants.

2. Agro chemicals may alter plant growth

Exposure to many agro chemicals can reduce the quality of a plant’s growth; this is especially true when a plant is exposed to pesticides or fertilizers as they are often applied at very high levels. Soil microbes, which help plants take up nutrients, also suffer at these high levels. Soil microbes play an important role in the breakdown of organic fertilizer materials in soil and are essential for making nitrogen available for plants to use.

3. Agro chemicals may reduce the fertility of land

The effects of agro chemicals on plants and soil microbes can lead to a reduction in plant growth. In extreme cases, this can degrade soil fertility to the point where it cannot be used for agricultural purposes. This is a particular problem for soil that is already low in nutrients.

4. Causes air pollution

If agro chemicals were not broken down by bacteria, they would tend to accumulate in the atmosphere and influence air pollution around the location of release. This is particularly true for herbicides; a major argument for the banning of 2,4-D has been because it generated so much ozone in rural areas.

5. Causes water pollution

What is Agro chemicals and their effects class 12? Agro chemicals are often released in to water sources by runoff from fields. These chemicals are broken down by bacteria in water leading to reduced oxygen, which can have a devastating effect on fish populations.

6. Causes ecological damage

When agro chemicals run off into drains and rivers, they can enter the food chain. This is especially true for herbicides as they are often sprayed when there is no wind so that they can distribute more evenly; this speeds up their entry into the food chain. Fish and other aquatic life may be adversely affected by agro chemicals in their environment. In some cases, fish may even be killed outright.


What is Agro chemicals and their effects class 12? It is clear that agro chemicals have both positive and negative effects. To reduce the negative effects of agro chemicals on our environment, they should be used in strict accordance with label recommendations. Farmers should also take better care to prevent runoff of chemicals into drains, rivers and other waterways. Any proposal to ban a certain type of agro chemical must be based on sound scientific research that proves its harmful effects on humans and the environment.


Taken from Echemi

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