Article, Granular Urea, Prilled Urea

Urea Price Fob Iran

Urea Price Fob Iran

Urea Price Fob Iran

One of the less expensive pure nitrogen fertilizers in Iran is urea, which has an NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) ratio of 0-0-46. Despite the fact that urea is naturally created in both human and animal bodies, ammonium non-hydrate is used to create synthetic urea. Therefore, in this post, we will discuss iran urea price. The farmer and agricultural products can get the most nitrogen from urea fertilizer at the cheapest price. You should be cautious about a few things while applying urea fertilizer to the soil to prevent the loss of urea or nitrogen due to chemical interactions.

Buying urea fertilizer and applying it:

When carbon dioxide and anhydrous ammonia combine, urea is created. This procedure is carried out at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius and high pressure. The urea produced by this process is transformed into nanoparticles, which are solid granules or pellets. Dry urea should be stored away from moisture until usage because it is entirely soluble in water.

When urea fertilizer is applied to the soil’s surface, it undergoes a chemical transformation into ammonium bicarbonate. If ammonium is not shielded from the gas it produces, it will deteriorate. This means that in order for this fertilizer to be as effective as possible, the soil must be mixed with it. There are two ways to accomplish this: either urea fertilizer should be injected directly into the soil or spread on the soil’s surface and immediately plowed thoroughly with the soil. The second approach involves applying urea fertilizer to the soil’s surface, followed by vigorous irrigation to move the dissolved urea down into the soil’s deeper layers.

In general, urea fertilizer can give soil and crops the most nitrogen at the lowest cost. Fertilizer made of urea is simple to store and doesn’t pose a long-term fire risk. Use urea fertilizer either alone or in combination with other fertilizers (potash and phosphate). One of the greatest fertilizers that encourage soil acidity for plants that thrive in acidic soils is urea. Urea fertilizer has the ability to rapidly supply the plant with large amounts of nitrogen in the cultivation of crops like corn, strawberries, and other plants that demand high nitrogen levels. Urea fertilizer is quite inexpensive in Iran, and you can buy the highest-quality urea fertilizer from the Petro Barous company.


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What is urea fertilizer or nitrogen fertilizer produced from?

Urea fertilizer, which contains urea as its primary ingredient, should be manufactured as urea granules. A form of adhesive substance that is larger and has superior resistance to air humidity is urea granules. Researchers have therefore concluded that better results will be obtained by extracting urea chemical fertilizer from urea granules. In reality, the granular form of urea spreads more readily than the prill form because the size of its particles is narrower. In fact, in this form and type, the production process and, ultimately, plant absorption are simpler and more practical. Petro Barous Company offers urea fertilizer at a very competitive. Buying urea fertilizer from our company can be very economical for you.

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How is urea chemical fertilizer absorbed by the plant?

When urea chemical fertilizer is put to soil used for growing plants, the urea begins to hydrolyze, releasing ammonia and carbon dioxide. The ammonia produced by this crucial activity is converted to nitrate by active bacteria found in the soil. As a result, the plant can absorb it.

As a result, when urea chemical fertilizer is put into the soil, it is not immediately absorbed in the same way but instead passes through chemical stages before entering the plant growth stage. Of fact, due to urea’s high water solubility and ability to be utilized in the formulation of water-soluble fertilizers, it is also a component of various other solid fertilizers. Temperature and humidity levels affect how long it takes for urea to turn into ammonium. This reaction frequently starts 24 hours after consumption and is finished in 2 to 5 days. Of course, in cold and saturated water circumstances, this process happens considerably more slowly.


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What are the benefits of urea fertilizer and why is it used?

Since it is simpler to transport, decomposes more quickly, and costs less overall than other forms of using nitrogen, such as its dried form, urea fertilizer, which is one of the nitrogenous fertilizers, is a more sensible choice. includes Environmentalists believe that using urea fertilizer significantly lowers the creation of toxins that harm the environment. Additionally, urea fertilizer can be applied as a solution or a spray in addition to being utilized in solid form. According to research, urea produces higher yields than other types of nitrogen fertilizer.

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Where is urea chemical fertilizer better used?

One of the most popular fertilizers in the agriculture sector is chemical urea. Among the items urea fertilizer is used for are corn, rice, wheat, and other minor grains. This fertilizer is typically regarded as a wonderful choice for lawns, gardens, summer gardens, fields, and apartment flowers. Naturally, specialists advise against doing this kind of consumption during the colder months of the year because urea is more affine to ammonia at higher temperatures.

On the other side, water greatly influences how soluble urea is, so if you use it during warmer seasons like the summer, you should also be aware of when it is raining. Urea is also used as a fertilizer for other crops such vegetables, potatoes, and soybeans, usually in the form of a spray. Urea fertilizer, of course, has a significant impact on the growth of saffron, strawberries, citrus fruits, blueberries, and several other crops. Chemical fertilizer containing urea will be very beneficial and significant, particularly in situations when the soil is acidic. fertilizer price in iranb has raised the need for this sort of fertilizer, which is available from Petro Barous Company.


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Very important points that you should keep in mind when using urea fertilizer:

Borate is one of the frequent contaminants in urea fertilizer (C2H5N3O2). This material breaks down in the soil, but it takes a while. On the other hand, this chemical is harmful to plants during the decomposition phase. Like other nitrogen sources, urea itself can be harmful to plants because nitrogen can either prevent or hinder seed germination. Additionally, a lot of nitrogen contributes to the “burning” of items.

The creation of ammonia (NH3), ammonium ions (NH4+), and bicarbonate ions (HCO3) is the first stage in the process by which the nitrogen present in urea (CH4N2O) is assimilated by the plant. Naturally, the Urease enzyme assists ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in speeding up this procedure. Therefore, ammonia is oxidized and nitrite is created via a procedure known as “combination with nitrogen.” Nitrate is produced when nitrite is oxidized by nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB). Ammonium and nitrate are the two nitrogen molecules that plants can absorb the most easily.


Uses of urea fertilizer:

  • All kinds of flowers and ornamental plants
  • apartment flowers
  • Garden
  • gardens
  • summer crops
  • farms
  • grass fields

How to use urea fertilizer?

Urea undergoes a chemical transformation into ammonium bicarbonate when applied to soil surface. If ammonium is not shielded from the gas it produces, it will deteriorate. This means that in order for this fertilizer to be as effective as possible, the soil must be mixed with it. Of course, the foliar application method does not have this issue. There are two ways to accomplish this: either urea should be injected directly into the soil or sprinkled on the soil surface and immediately plowed thoroughly with the soil. The second approach involves applying urea to the soil’s top, followed by vigorous watering to move the dissolved urea into the soil’s deeper layers.

Can urea fertilizer be used for houseplants?

Because every plant has different demands, there is no one optimal fertilizer for indoor plants. Not all plants need a lot of nitrogen, so they might not require additional nitrogen. Urea plus ammonium sulfate, which delays the urea release process, is frequently found in potting soils. In order for soil regeneration to take place after a number of years, this provides the majority of potting soils with enough nitrogen for a long period.

Most commonly, urea fertilizer is used to fertilize bamboo, roses in pots, and orchids. The best course of action is to speak with a greenhouse expert because other plants can be sensitive to such a formula. One of the strong acids is urea; uric acid retains its odor even after processing. When used as a fertilizer for indoor plants, urea should be diluted with at least half distilled water and applied after watering the soil.

Urea works well as a foliar spray because the plant may use what it needs right away and the remaining amount evaporatively. Use of urea fertilizer as a foliar spray is advised since it promotes greater growth and development of leaves and branches.

It should be mentioned that urea produces skin edema and sensitivity when it comes into contact with the skin. Additionally, if you use this fertilizer without following the instructions, you risk developing respiratory issues. You should be aware of how to store this fertilizer if you are a farmer and have prepared a significant volume of it. This fertilizer is incredibly simple to store because it doesn’t burn like ammonium nitrate. However, you should be aware that since this fertilizer and ammonium nitrate both readily absorb water when in contact with one another, you shouldn’t store them together.


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Specification Urea

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