Fertilizer, Granular Urea, Prilled Urea

Urea Manufacturers In Iran

urea manufacturers in iran

Urea, also known as carbamide, is an organic compound with the chemical formula CO (NH2)2. This product is used in fertilizers, feed supplements, and as a starting material for the production of plastics and drugs. It is a colorless, crystalline substance that melts at 132.7°C (271°F) and decomposes before boiling.

Urea Manufacturers In Iran ⇒ Iranian Petrochemical Units, including Pardis, Shiraz, Khorasan, and Kermanshah, boast the largest production of carbamide worldwide.


Application of Urea

Urea is primarily used as a fertilizer, providing nitrogen to plants and crops. Low-biuret carbamide (less than 0.03%), which dissolves in water, is often used as a foliar fertilizer, applied directly to the leaves of fruit and citrus plants. This fertilizer has the advantage of providing a large amount of nitrogen, which is essential in plant metabolism and helps absorb light for photosynthesis. Additionally, it can be adapted to different types of crops. Urea also has several industrial applications, including plastics, resins, inks, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, textiles, paper, paint, and metals.

This product, Fertilizer 46%, is typically packed in 40- or 50-kg bags, 1000-kg jumbo bags, and bulk. It is available in both prilled and granule forms. For more information on usage, please click button.


International Supplier of Sulphur

International Supplier of Urea


Nitrogen plays a critical role in the protein synthesis of plants. Urea contains the highest nitrogen concentration of all solid nitrogenous fertilizers commonly used. It is widely utilized for fertilization and serves as a crucial input for the chemical industry.

Fertilizer Price In Iran

Urea Fertilizer 

For over a decade, Petro Barous Trading Company has been a prominent exporter of Iranian Fertilizer Urea and a supplier of Turkmenistan and Russian Urea to India, as well as to some other Asian and African countries.

At Petro Barous, we are committed to exceeding our customers’ expectations by providing them with a wide range of shape (Prilled or Granular) and packing (50kg bags, bulk or Jumbo/big bags) options. We strive to build trust and creditability through our commitment to our customers’ needs and preferences.

With their extensive experience in managing Urea logistics, from purchasing to loading, shipping, discharging, packing and more, the team at Petro Barous is well-versed in the potential pitfalls that could compromise Urea quality throughout the entire supply chain. As such, Petro Barous takes all necessary precautions to ensure quality is maintained.


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