Ammonium sulfate, Article, Fertilizer

Ammonium Sulfate Fertilizer 🌟 Production, Benefits, and Industrial Uses

Ammonium Sulfate Fertilizer

Ammonium sulfate fertilizer is a key player in modern agriculture, serving as a valuable source of both nitrogen and sulfur. This essential compound is produced in various grades, including industrial-grade ammonium sulfate, which has diverse applications beyond agriculture. In this article, we’ll delve into the production process, the numerous benefits of ammonium sulfate, its industrial uses, and the pivotal role played by Petro Barous Company in the global supply chain and export of this vital product.


Industrial Grade Ammonium Sulfate

Industrial-grade ammonium sulfate is a versatile chemical compound with a wide range of industrial applications. It is commonly used as a flame retardant in the textile and paper industries due to its ability to reduce the flammability of materials. Additionally, it serves as a coagulant in water treatment plants, aiding in the removal of impurities from wastewater.


Ammonium Sulfate Production

The production of ammonium sulfate involves a series of chemical processes. Typically, it is manufactured by neutralizing sulfuric acid (H2SO4) with ammonia (NH3). This reaction results in the formation of ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4], which is then crystallized and dried to produce the final product. The purity and granule size of ammonium sulfate can vary depending on its intended use.

Ammonium Sulfate

Ammonium Sulfate Benefits

Nutrient-Rich Fertilizer: Ammonium sulfate is a popular choice among farmers because it contains both nitrogen and sulfur. Nitrogen is crucial for plant growth, and sulfur is essential for the production of amino acids, vitamins, and enzymes.

Acidifying Soil

This fertilizer can help lower the pH of alkaline soils, making them more suitable for certain crops. It provides an acidic environment that enhances nutrient availability.

High Solubility

 Ammonium sulfate is highly water-soluble, which means it can quickly release its nutrients to plant roots, promoting rapid growth and crop yield.

Reduced Nitrogen Loss

 It is less prone to nitrogen loss through leaching and volatilization compared to other nitrogen sources, making it an environmentally friendly option.


Ammonium Sulfate Price and Fertilizer Price in Iran

The price of ammonium sulfate varies depending on factors such as grade, purity, and market demand. In Iran, where agriculture plays a significant role in the economy, the cost of fertilizers, including ammonium sulfate, is an important consideration for farmers. Petro Barous, a renowned name in the industry, offers competitive pricing for ammonium sulfate fertilizer in Iran. For up-to-date pricing information and to explore their range of agricultural products, you can visit their website at

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The Industrial Uses of Ammonium Sulfate

Apart from its role in agriculture, industrial-grade ammonium sulfate finds applications in various sectors. It serves as a key ingredient in fire extinguishing powders, where its flame-retardant properties are harnessed to suppress fires effectively. The textile industry utilizes it as a dye auxiliary agent to improve dye penetration and color fastness.

In the realm of pharmaceuticals, ammonium sulfate is employed for protein purification. Its selective precipitation properties help separate proteins from impurities, ensuring the production of high-quality pharmaceutical products.

ammonium sulfate

Petro Barous: A Global Player in Supply and Export

Petro Barous Company stands as a global player in the supply and export of ammonium sulfate and other chemical products. With a commitment to excellence and a dedication to meeting the needs of customers worldwide, Petro Barous has carved a prominent place in the global supply chain.

Through their state-of-the-art production facilities and a network of international partners, Petro Barous ensures a consistent supply of high-quality ammonium sulfate to agricultural markets across the globe. Their emphasis on quality control and sustainable practices has earned them a reputation as a trusted supplier and exporter.



Ammonium sulfate fertilizer plays a pivotal role in modern agriculture and various industries, offering numerous benefits to crops, soil, and industrial processes. Beyond its versatile applications, the global supply chain and export of ammonium sulfate are greatly influenced by companies like Petro Barous, which prioritize quality and customer satisfaction. As you explore the world of ammonium sulfate, consider Petro Barous as your reliable partner in sourcing this vital product on a global scale. Visit to learn more about their contributions to the global supply chain and their commitment to excellence in the chemical industry.



The advantages of using ammonium sulfate fertilizer

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